
Excited? Yes.

Oh I'm pretty pumped about this [except for one thing... but I'll leave that 'til the end]

Anyhow.... introduction:

I love to write. Funny story, though.... I hated writing until 10th grade when I ended up with a writing job that had photography along with it. I struggled through my first year, hating and stressing, and hating it..... until I started to like it. [shrug] I'm not sure how it happened. But now it's actually my stress *relief* and I write about pretty much everything and anything.

As far as me as a person, and not me as a writing. Oldest of a dozen Kozy's. I love anything active, running, hockey, ultimate frisbee, baseball, softball, watching sports. My passion is photography :) I love the beautiful little things in life that make you smile [I know they're different for all of us... but I didn't feel like listening to them] Oh, and I live in cold MN where I love it, but I wouldn't mind living some other places for a while. And I love to travel.

I like to type, and print... and can go on and on about nothing, so I'm going stop it here and say: I really like this blog...and I really hate my photography blog, because I could never get it to look like I wanted it to look... but now that blogger changed it's template stuff a little more so I think I'm going to try again :)))

Oh and the little thing that I mentioned up there..... [I don't know why I said I'd try writing poetry... 'cause I really really hate it. There. I said it. You can hit me now]



  1. I love your blog name! you're so cute & creative.

    And ha - I had to laugh at you. I love poetry myself, if it really rhymes & flows, but I am not good at nor do I really like writing it. So I won't hit you. ;)

    Also, if you really don't like your photography blog, you should change it up and fix it, cause I know you could make it good! :) cause it'd be nice if you liked it! love ya!

  2. I shall do my best to persuade you otherwise about the poetry. It's not entirely horrible. :)

  3. I feel the same way about most poetry... at least if it's written by Frost (*eww*). ;) I know that *your* poetry, however, will be wonderful! :)

  4. ok Jennette..... I'm waiting... ;) lol


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