"Oh, honey. Sometimes the fluffs just decide to overrun my brain and take over everything and clarity of thought is impossible. Amber and I have established that the fluffs cannot be stopped. They run rampant and make a mess of your thoughts and mine occasionally make popcorn. It's strange." [Jennette Maynard]
"Do not write like this or we will sic our mutant ninja striped horse rabbit tiger brain fluffs on you and they will hit you over the head with sharks and then bury you in a hole: http://www.wordgigs.com/samples/fullsample.txt " [Amber Cuadra]
"The way he [Mark Twain] weaves his extremely large vocabulary together often causes me to suspect him of writing as he reads through the dictionary... This I am sure is not the case and he naturally has a ridiculously wide variety of intelligent words stored away in his thinker. Doesn't everyone?" [Allie Kate]